Water is life – Omeya ogo omwenyo. CuveWaters report (2015)
Download (pdf, 3 MB)
Integrated Water Resources Management in Water-scarce Regions: Water Harvesting, Groundwater Desalination and Water Reuse in Namibia. Stefan Liehr, Johanna Kramm, Alexander Jokisch & Katharina Müller (ed.) (2018): IWA Publishing
Rain- and Floodwater Harvesting – Implementation Concept. Oliver Schulz, Alexander Jokisch, Jutta Deffner, Laura Woltersdorf, Stefan Liehr, Wilhelm Urban, Thomas Kluge (2015) CuveWaters Papers, No. 13. ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (Ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 1 MB)
Groundwater Desalination – Implementation Concept. Stefan Liehr, Anastasia Papangelou, Marian Brenda, Wilhelm Urban, Thomas Kluge (2015) CuveWaters Papers, No. 12. ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (Ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 1 MB)
Sanitation and Water Reuse – Implementation Concept. Martin Zimmermann, Jutta Deffner, Katharina Müller, Johanna Kramm, Anastasia Papangelou, Peter Cornel (2015). CuveWaters Papers, No. 11. ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (Ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 1 MB)
Interactive Water Information and Planning Tool for the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin. Oliver Schulz, Helvi Shalongo, Julia Röhrig (2015). Factsheet, ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 400 KB)
Sanitation and Water Reuse in Central-Northern Namibia. Martin Zimmermann, Johanna Kramm, Jutta Deffner, Katharina Müller, Anastasia Papangelou, Markus Gerlach, Peter Cornel (2015). Factsheet, ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 700 KB)
Groundwater Desalination in Central-Northern Namibia. Stefan Liehr, Anastasia Papangelou, Jutta Deffner, Alexia Krug von Nidda, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Factsheet, ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 500 KB)
Floodwater Harvesting in Central-Northern Namibia. Alexander Jokisch, Oliver Schulz, Isaac Kariuki, Alexia Krug von Nidda, Jutta Deffner, Stefan Liehr, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Factsheet, ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 950 KB)
Rainwater Harvesting in Central-Northern Namibia. Alexander Jokisch, Oliver Schulz, Isaac Kariuki, Alexia Krug von Nidda, Jutta Deffner, Stefan Liehr, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Factsheet, ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 700 KB)
Omauyelele Oku hakela omeva efundja moNooli-upokati yaNamibia. Alexander Jokisch, Oliver Schulz, Isaac Kariuki, Alexia Krug von Nidda, Jutta Deffner, Stefan Liehr, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Efatululo moshiwambo ku: Epfania Lepaleni. ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 950 KB)
Omauyelele Oku hakela omeva odula moNooli-upokati yaNamibia. Alexander Jokisch, Oliver Schulz, Isaac Kariuki, Alexia Krug von Nidda, Jutta Deffner, Stefan Liehr, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Efatululo moshiwambo ku: Epfania Lepaleni. ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ed.). Frankfurt/Main, Germany Download (pdf, 700 KB)fileadmin/edit/Downloads/Publications/CuveWates-Factsheet-IWIP-CEB-2015.pdf
Rainwater harvesting in southern Africa and potentials for knowledge transfer from CuveWaters research results in central-northern Namibia. André Müller, Alexander Jokisch, Isaac Kariuki, Wilhelm Urban (2015). Policy Brief, CuveWaters Integrated Water Resources Management. Institute for Water Supply and Groundwater Protection, Wastewater Technology, Waste Management, Industrial Material Cycles, Environmental and Spatial Planning (IWAR), Darmstadt University of Technology (ed.). Darmstadt, Germany Download (pdf, 356 KB)
Safety Instructions on the Outapi irrigation site. Omalombwelo kombinga ye ameno monhele yo kutekela mOutapi. Outapi Town Council (2015) Download (pdf, 300 KB)
Oikwambidi youndjolowele tai di keshala lokutekela mOutapi. Outapi Town Council (2015) Download (pdf, 630 KB)
Healthy vegetables from the Outapi irrigation site. Outapi Town Council (2015) Download (pdf, 630 KB)
Benefits of rainwater harvesting for gardening and implications for future policy in Namibia. Woltersdorf, Laura/Alexander Jokisch/Thomas Kluge (2014): Water Policy, Vol. 16, No 1, pp 124–143
Small scale water re-use for urban agriculture: Modeling water flows and productivity in a semi-arid region. Woltersdorf, Laura/Stefan Liehr/Ruth Scheidegger/Petra Döll (2014): Urban Water Journal
CuveWaters – sustainable use of scarce water resources in Namibia. Integrated Water Resources Management: From Research to Implementation – IWRM. Project Management Resources and Sustainability Project Management Jülich (PtJ) (2014). German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) (Ed.). Bonn/Berlin Download (pdf, 683 KB)
CuveWaters – Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management in Namibia. Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management: Von der Forschung in die Umsetzung – IWRM. Projektträgerschaft Ressourcen und Nachhaltigkeit Projektträger Jülich (PtJ) (2014). Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (Hg.). Bonn/Berlin Download (pdf, 665 KB)
Water is Life – Omeya ogo omwenyo. CuveWaters mid-term report. Röhrig, Julia/Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart/Alexia Krug von Nidda (2013). Institute for Social-Ecological Research. Frankfurt am Main Download (pdf, 5 MB)
Participatory implementation of sanitation infrastructure in urban areas of north-central Namibia. Deffner, Jutta/Thomas Kluge (2013): WHOCC Newsletter 21, 1–6.
Stakeholder Participation and Capacity Development during the Implementation of Rainwater Harvesting Pilot Plants in Central Northern Namibia. Zimmermann, Martin/Alexander Jokisch/Jutta Deffner/Marian Brenda/Wilhelm Urban (2012): Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 12(4), 540–548
Urbanisierungsdruck und nachhaltige Sanitärinfrastruktur: Erfahrungen mit einer forschungsbasierten Planungsmethode im nördlichen Namibia // Pressure of Urbanisation and a Sustainable Sanitation Infrastructure: Experiences with a Research-Driven Planning Method in Northern Namibia. Deffner, Jutta/Thomas Kluge/Katharina Müller (2012): gwf – International S1/12, Ausgabe 13/2012. gwf-Wasser/Abwasser 12/2012
Regenwassersammlung als Teil eines Integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagements im zentralen Norden Namibias – Erste Ergebnisse des Projektes CuceWaters. Jokisch, A.; Urban, W. (2012): fbR-Wasserspiegel 2-2012: 7–9
Modellierung der oberflächennahen Grundwasserneubildung im Cuvelaibecken (Nordost Namibia). Mayr, M./Cyrus Samimi/Julia Röhrig/Jenny Eisold/H. Zandler (2012) in: Borg, E., Daedelow, H. & R. Johnson: RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) – Vom Algorithmus zum Produkt, 4. RESA Workshop (DLR), Neustrelitz, 53–70
Fernwartung am Ende der Welt – Namibische Entsalzungsanlage wird von Deutschland aus überwacht. Prang, Oliver (2012): CITplus 1-2/2012: 27–29
IWRM Toolkit: Collection of Sources for Information and Tools on IWRM. A tool for supporting planning and decision making processes (2012) Download (pdf, 159 KB)
Participatory sanitation marketing approaches for altering hygiene behaviour. A review of Community Health Club and community-led total sanitation. Deffner, Jutta/Johannes Böff (2012): CuveWaters Papers, No. 9 Download (pdf, 653 KB)
Factsheet on Subsurface Storage of Oshana-Floodwater. CuveWaters (2012). Download (pdf, 767 KB)
Factsheet on Rainwater Harvesting in Central-Northern Namibia. CuveWaters (2012). Download (pdf, 486 KB)
Factsheet on Sanitation and Water Re-use. CuveWaters (2012). Download (pdf, 345 KB)
Factsheet on groundwater resources management desalination pilot plants. CuveWaters (2012). Download (pdf, 1 MB)
Model-based Impact Assessment of an Integrated Water Management Strategy on Ecosystem Services relevant to Food Security in Namibia. Luetkemeier, Robert/Stefan Liehr (2012): Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-10641. Paper presented at the EGU General Assembly 2012 Download (pdf, 38 KB)
Theoretical reflections about the analysis of water governance in coupled social-ecological systems. Polak, Mathias/Stefan Liehr (2012) in: Ibrahima Anne (Ed.): Water Governance – Challenges in Africa: Hydro-optimism or hydro-pessimism? CEAUP Studies on Africa, 2. Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Oxford/Wien, 65–80
Lessons learned from the integration of local stakeholders in water management approaches in central‐northern Namibia. Jokisch, Alexander/Wilhelm Urban (2012): Poster presented at the EGU Genaral Assembly Wien 2012. Download (pdf, 252 KB)
CuveWaters: Water and Sanitation for Arid Northern Namibia. Krug von Nidda, Alexia/Thomas Kluge (2011). Digital Development Debates, Issue 06-Innovation,
Project brochure: From concept to tap – Integrated Water Resources Management in Northern Namibia (2nd ed. 2011). Download (pdf, 2 MB)
Solar‐driven Desalination – An Environmentally Sound Technology. Brenda, Marian (2011): Poster presented at the IWRM conference Dresden 2011 Download (pdf, 1 MB)
Urbanisation and sustainable sanitation development: A research based participatory planning method. Deffner, Jutta/Katharina Müller/Thomas Kluge (2011): Poster presented at the IWRM conference Dresden 2011 Download (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Decentralising water supply – Subsurface storage of Oshana floodwater in the Cuvelai‐Etosha Basin of central‐northern Namibia. Jokisch, Alexander (2011): Poster presented at the IWRM conference Dresden 2011 Download (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Modellbasierte Wirkungsabschätzung von Integriertem Wasserresourcenmanagement auf Ökosystemdienstleistungen in semi-ariden Gebieten. Fallstudie aus dem Cuvelai-Etosha Einzugsgebiet im Norden Namibias. Lütkemeier, Robert (2011): Diploma Thesis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Policy Framework for Small-Scale Gardening. Röhrig, Julia (Ed.), Wolfgang Werner (2011): CuveWaters Papers, No. 8 Download (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Participatory empirical research on water and sanitation demand in central northern Namibia: A method for technology development with a user perspective. Deffner, Jutta/Clarence Mazambani (2010): CuveWaters Papers, No. 7 Download (pdf, 780 KB)
Sustainability of rainwater harvesting systems used for gardening in the context of climate change and IWRM. An example from the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin in Namibia. Woltersdorf, Laura (2010). Master Thesis, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Geographische Informationssysteme als Analyseinstrument im Kontext des Integrierten Wasserressourcen-Managements (IWRM im Cuvelai-Etosha-Basin (zentrales Nordnamibia): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen raumbezogener Analysen der Wasserversorgungssituation vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Geodateninfrastruktur in Namibia. Hähnel, Nadine (2009): Diploma Thesis, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Water use options for regional development. Potentials of new water technologies in Central Northern Namibia. Lux, Alexandra/Cedric Janowicz (2009): CuveWaters Papers, No. 6 Download (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Controlling access to water and land: De jure and de facto powers of Water Point Committees. Werner, Wolfgang (2009): CuveWaters Papers, No. 5 Download (pdf, 430 KB)
Selected Results from Socio-Ecological Participatory Situation Assessments in Two Sites in Central Northern Namibia. Deffner, Jutta/Patrik Klintenberg/Clarence Mazambani/Petra Moser-Nørgaard/Komeine Nantanga/Mary Seely (2008): CuveWaters Papers, No. 3 Download (pdf, 1.1 MB)
IWRM Concept for the Cuvelai Basin in Northern Namibia. Kluge, Thomas/Stefan Liehr/Alexandra Lux/Petra Moser/Steffen Niemann/Nicole Umlauf/Wilhelm Urban (2008): Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33, 48-55
Innovative water supply and disposal technologies as integral part of Integrated Water Resources Management – an example from Namibia. Kluge, Thomas/Petra Moser (2008): International Journal of Water, 4(1), 41-54
Driving Forces and Future Development Paths of Central Northern Namibia. Liehr, Stefan (2008): In: M. Burnes/A. Weaver (Eds.): Exploring Sustainability Science: A Southern African Perspective. AFRICAN SUN MeDIA (ASM), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 431-467
Village-scale and Solar Desalination Technology Experience in Namibia. Oertzen, Detlof von/Robert Schultz (2008): CuveWaters Papers, No. 4 Download (pdf, 584 KB)
Interdependencies of Water with Gender and Sustainable Development in the Cuvelai Basin, Namibia. Wernicke, Sarah (2008): Diploma Thesis, Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg
Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in rural areas of north-central Namibia. Wurdak, Simon (2008): Diploma Thesis, TU Darmstadt
Integrated Water Resources Management in the Namibian Part of the Cuvelai Basin, Central Northern Namibia. Klintenberg, Patrik/Clarence Mazambani/Komeine Nantanga (2007): CuveWaters Papers, No. 2 Download (pdf, 500 KB)
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a Key for Sustainable Development. Kluge, Thomas (2007): In: Mario Cogoy/Karl W. Steininger (Eds.): The Economics of Global Environmental Change. International Cooperation for Sustainability. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham (UK)/Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar, 134-154
Regenwassernutzungskonzepte für ländliche Räume im Cuvelai-Basin, Namibia. Schütz, Kai (2007): Diploma Thesis, TU Darmstadt
Integrated Land and Water Management: Policy and Institutional Issues. Werner, Wolfgang (2007): CuveWaters Papers, No. 1 Download (pdf, 335 KB)
Kritische Betrachtung des Ansatzes "Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management" (IWRM). Kluge, Thomas (2005): In: Susanne Neubert et al. (Eds.): Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM). Ein Konzept in die Praxis. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik DIE. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 31-43
IWRM und interbasinaler Wassertransfer - ein potenzieller Konflikt? Niemann, Steffen (2005): In: Susanne Neubert et al. (Eds.): Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM). Ein Konzept in die Praxis. Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik DIE. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 83-95